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End of the week Base 4

18th May 2018 – by R Charlesworth
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Well, firstly, can I just say how proud I am of our WONDERFUL year 6 children. Well done to them for completing their SATs in such a grown up way. They have been so focused, worked so hard and really pushed themselves. Above everything else Year 6, you are wonderful children who, I know, will really go far.
Year 5, you too have been super as ever – working hard in the hall to allow the rest of your class to complete their SATs, thank you. The rest of the week has been full of creative topic work (we have so much to put in our Learning Journey books that I'm not quite sure that they are big enough), timetables battles and enjoying the sunshine.

I hope that you have a wonderful weekend and I look forwarding to seeing you all on Monday.

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