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EFL Football Competition

20th January 2017 – by SS
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This morning 8 children left school to take part in an exciting new competition hosted by Crewe Alex Football Club. We were placed in a very tough group against 4 other schools. Over the next 3 hours we played 4 very gruelling games of football and hoping to get into the semi finals held on Monday morning!

The first match we played we lost 1-0 but we dominated the game completely, with the other school's goalkeeper pulling off some fantastic saves to deny us 3 important goals. The next game we played against a very good school and after watching them destroy another school 4-1 we thought losing 1-0 to them wasn't all that bad...

After a quick formation change we played a lot better and won our next match 4-0 with Raf and Ethan looking solid in defence, Charlie pulling off some cracking saves, Ben Ha and Joe getting some awesome assists and me, Harry and Ben H getting goals! A proper team effort. Our last match was against the top team and we knew we had to win to have any hope of getting another morning off on Monday! With this in mind and backed by some inspired goalkeeping from Charlie we managed to win 1-0 thanks to a great team goal straight from kick off!

After that it was down to other results going our way and with the final game needing to be a draw for us to progress things were looking good until the last 2 minutes when one team scored sending them top of the group and knocking us down to 3rd.

Unfortunately we didn't progress through to the finals but we gave it our best shot and our behaviour was exemplary.

Also a massive thank you needs to be said to Mrs Hand and Mrs May who helped to take us there and back because without them we wouldn't have been able to go.

Ollie and Mr Sargeant

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