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Christmas Fair

9th December 2017 – by B Cador
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A very big thank you to all who turned out on a bleak, cold evening yesterday to be warmed by the community cheer and festive fun at school last night at our annual Christmas Fair.

We were delighted to welcome so many families and faces, old and new, to school. It's always a pleasure to see our former pupils use the opportunity for a reunion and also lovely to catch up with those who have contributed to school in many ways including Christa Parsons (and her mum), Helen May and Rachel Howell (ex FOWS) and their families. Thank you, too, to PCSO Sharon Jones and PC Nicky Berry for popping in. Many of our governors also came along to support the event: Rachel Bulkeley (helping Debbie with the Hampers Raffle); June Morris (Alfie Base 2's Nana) Andrew Taylor; Andy Williams and our parent governors Lesley Midwinter (supported FOWS with purchasing refreshments) and Caroline Cawood.

St Luke's Hospice brought Santa to Wrenbury this year. Meeting him in the wonderfully decked out vintage double decker was a huge treat for our younger children (and lots of the older visitors too!).

Nancy Caunce guessed the name of the teddy: Gilbert! Well done, Nancy!
The hampers were a big hit again this year as were the fun and games to entertain, the cakes to eat and the crafts to buy.

A very special thank you to:
-All the Wrenbury families for their generous donations and contributing to making the fair a great success
-All the Wrenbury staff for supporting the event and helping their children create and sell lovely crafts and gifts.
-The FOWS team including Jo Heath, Steph Merrill, Sam Agnew, Lydia Jones, Rachel Walker, Lesley Midwinter, Elizabeth Hand and Lyndon Jones in the run up to the event with an extra special thank you to Nic Pegram and Lorraine Cooke for their fantastic organisation and preparation for the event. (Sincere apologies if I missed anyone!)
-All the friends, volunteers and parents at Wrenbury and children who offered time to help set up or run a stall or game. Pip Hand did an amazing job with the children's face painting!
-Preschool staff for selling refreshments
-The Preschool Committee elves for helping Santa
-A special thanks to those who stayed to help with the big post-Christmas Fair tidy up, too, including Colin, our fantastic caretaker!

Well done to all! You brought the Christmas spirit to Wrenbury along with a wonderful sprinkling of snow!
Best wishes and thank you,
Bessa Cador

face paintingbus

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