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Catch ups

28th May 2020 – by B Cador
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From John and Sal, Reefe and Taylor's parents...
Hello Mrs Cador (and everyone). We really hope you are all still well and continuing to enjoy the sunshine! Tay and Reefe are still missing everyone just as much but are also embracing the whole staying at home thing a little too well..... I'm really not looking forward to trying to get them out of bed and into school uniforms when the time comes! They have been very busy preparing for an apocalypse with lots of veg planting and we have hatched some chicks for a supply of eggs too, just need a cow and I think we're done. We learnt all about VE Day and everyone on our road decorated their houses and had a picnic in their own gardens with 1940s tunes playing! They had great fun tie dying some cushions and t-shirts and spent last weekend mowing an enormous heart and NHS into the field, you can't see it too well on the photos but it's there and huge so hopefully when the air ambulance flies over (their flight path is right over our house) they will see it! Sending love to all x Reefe and Taylor, you've been very busy and it's lovely seeing what you've been up to. The hatching chick is a little miracle to watch, isn't it...did you know, chickens have become really popular as pets since we've been staying at home. I think mine are great – Mrs Charlesworth isn't too happy with hers; they've been messing up her flower borders! Your celebrations of VE Day sound fun and I love the tie-dyed t-shirts, potentially a new enterprise! Tonight is the last of #Clapforourcarers. I can't believe you started our school community off with joining in 10 weeks ago and what a lovely gesture you've made by creating the NHS sign in the field for the air ambulance to see! Well done and see you soon. Mrs Cador

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