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Catch ups for today

29th April 2020 – by B Cador
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Thanks to Wendy for sharing Ciaran and Ellie's lovely creativity with us – I really like the words made out of natural finds and the guitar is fantastic – well done both of you! Enjoy their creations!

From Sarah, Oliver and Maisie's mum...
Today Maisie and Oliver have been looking at the life cycle of plants. As we have been planting and growing lots of seeds recently they both found it really interesting. Maisie found an egg shell in the garden and they both enjoyed a scoot through the puddles once the rain stopped.Take care x It was lovely seeing Maisie and Oliver on their scooters, as I left school this afternoon!

I was also lucky enough to see Alice and Jessica coming back from a walk with mum and dad, too, and I had a quick chat with Tyler. Great to know everyone id doing well. Take care. Bessa

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