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Catch ups

20th June 2020 – by B Cador
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I hope you've enjoyed our school photos and news feeds this week – it's all been a bit new for us all: zoom assemblies; new learning spaces and ways of working; new bubbles, new one-way systems but lots that stayed the same – happy children and teachers!
We haven't stopped thinking about our children who are still home learning and it was lovely to receive the following catch ups – do keep sending them in, we love hearing from you.

From Amberely, Harry, Freddie and Olly's mum...
The boys have had a very busy day learning; we read the book "Supertato" and talked all about the evil pea. We decided that we better make posters in case he came into our house to cause trouble. The boys wore very special superhero masks to help with their writing. We have put the posters up around the house in a bid to catch the evil pea! Whilst the boys were busy, they heard a scream and the evil pea had caught Mummy, put her in a box and drawn on her face, just like he did to the broccoli! They managed to catch the evil pea, but now he has escaped and is on the loose again! We also took delivery of some hand squatters today; Olly has loved whacking his tricky words and Harry has been using them to practise his times
tables. We might use them to play balloon tennis later on too!
Lovely catch up but poor mummy getting caught by the evil pea! I'm glad you saved her, boys! Your posters are great and will tell everyone to be on the lookout; evil pea may be sneaking into someone else's house! Thanks for putting a big smile on my face...lovely to see great learning from a story – I think you did a 'Superato' job! Super use of the fly swatter, too – how did the balloon tennis go?

From Erica, Livvy's mum...
Hope everyone is doing ok? We have been busy working through the assignments from the web site – Livvy loved learning about van Gogh and especially liked copying the picture Starry Night. This week we went for a walk at Prees Common where we found lots of beautiful butterflies. While we were there Livvy made some 2D shapes using sticks and we collected more sticks to have a go at making 3D shapes. We have also been digging a pond and making a ladder plant stand using an old CD shelves and bed slats. We have still been going out for walks and managed not to get too wet!! Livvy loved getting a reply from Miss Phillip's today, I think it made her day! Thank you x Miss Phillips really enjoyed getting your letter in the post, Livvy – it brightened her day! We were all a bit envious in school...if anyone wants to write and post a letter to the staff in school, we'd love to hear from you. You've done some lovely learning, Livvy, and I'm impressed by the art work. What a gallery of wildlife, too, and some great upcycling. We've got newts in our pond at home; this morning, Mr Cador found a young one on the driveway – luckily he found it and put it somewhere safe before the birds spied it!

Enjoy the sunshine after all those amazing thunder and lightning storms and torrential rain this last week. Stay safe, Bessa

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