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Busy start to the week

29th June 2015 – by Mrs Chapman-Brown
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I hope you all had a lovely weekend and managed to do some nice family things together.
Last week was so busy as the Year 2 children were busy with their SATs activities.

Today our Science activities took us into lots of different habitats around the school. We were looking for lots of different creatures. So, we looked under stones, under logs , on flowers and in decaying leaves. We found lots of different creatures – even a worm! Much to Mrs Everall's delight!

We took them back to the classroom and used our hand lenses to observe carefully, count legs, wings and shells and draw them. The children had a fabulous time.

Afterwards we made sure the creatures were taken safely back to their habitat.

Perhaps you could have a look in your own garden to see what you can find.

Happy Hunting

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