Wow what a busy week! We are really enjoying the beautiful weather. We have taken a lot of our learning outside this week. We had great fun re-telling the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears in our wood. We used the bridge to tell the story of the Three Billy Goats Gruff. We have some scary Trolls in Base 1!
We collected items from nature and then we had to match the amount of items to the numeral, it was great fun! We made a human number line by working together as a team to put the numbers in the right order!
Then we became scientists, we took magnifiers outside to look for really interesting items from nature. We made a nature tray and we had a go at drawing some of our wonderful collections. Freddie brought in some wonderful conkers from his walk at the weekend. He really enjoyed showing them to everyone.
We are getting very good at PE in the hall, we are learning to control our bodies and our equipment. We had to find all the different ways to use a bean bag, hoop and this week we used air balls.
On Friday we had our first Mystery Reader, it was Charlie's Nanna! What a surprise he got when he opened his eyes and found his Nanna sitting in the Teacher's chair ready to read a story!
Please speak to us if you would like to give your child a nice surprise by being a Mystery Reader!
Thank you to all the Parents who attended the Reading Information Evening. I hope you found the information useful in supporting your child's reading development. If you were unable to attend and would like information on how to support the reading development of your child then please speak to us.
Thank you for all your support
Ms Huntington, Mrs Parson & Mrs Wimpenny.
01270 260656
Wrenbury Primary School
Nantwich Rd
Wrenbury, Nantwich