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Base 5

2nd October 2016 – by B Cador
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It was another busy week in Base 5 and Y6 deserved a weekend's rest and relaxation afetr all their hard work and focus.

We moved on very quickly with our writing this last week, inspired by the story Wolf Brother. The children were able to 'slow motion' their writing, using a range of sentence structures to bring both fear and tension into their writing as well as adding some beautifully crafted descriptive phrases. We're getting better with our editing and making sure every word is relevant as well as checking our punctuation. Ollie, Jasmine, Justina, Alfie, Daisy and William wrote particularly good pieces. Mrs Rowlands said their writing made her feel really nervous when she listened to some of them! That's means the writing engaged and had an impact on the reader! Well done!

We've been working really well at developing our interest in a wider vocabulary. We are building quite an extensive list of new words and we're feeling more confident them in using in our own written work.

In our spelling we've been looking at the -tion and -cian word endings.

Art – We moved onto forest sprites as a focus for our next piece of writing. Using illustrations as a stimuli from Arthur Spiderwick's Field Guide, we created our own illustrations of a forest sprite. We are going to incorporate them into our next piece of descriptive writing this week.

Maths focused on rounding this week...rounding to the nearest ten, hundred and thousand as well as to the nearest tenth, hundred and thousandth. We used rounding to estimate calculations before completing the calculation.

In Science, we learned about MRS GREN or MRS NERG and the 7 characteristics of all living things.

In RE we continued our focus on values and completed a Diamond 9 activity based on values.

In PE, we continued with our swimming lessons and Mr Ellis taught us for our games lesson. Many of us took part in the Quad Kids competition on Thursday and were really pleased with how well we had done.

Thank you to Katie's mum for donating some bulbs for us to plant. If any one else has any bulbs they are able to donate, we'd be delighted to receive them. They'll brighten up the school in the spring!

We're very much looking forward to Mrs Francis joining school on Thursday.

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