This week in Base 5 we have focused on our Literacy, editing and finishing our spooky diary entries and then we created miniature diary booklets for them (see picture attached). The children finished the week in Literacy looking at formal letters and will be writing some formal letters linked to our class text, this coming week.
In Maths the children worked on their understanding of angles and shape by taking on 'The Super Polygon-angle Challenge'... and won! The children created some fascinating polygon's using string and blue-tac, then collected data about their shape before finally measuring and ordering the angles they had created.
We have also had the opportunity to practice and develop our cricket skills during PE this week and this has been extremely beneficial as the Quick-Cricket competitions are just around the corner.
In Music, the children have been reviewing the key components of musical composition and Mrs Pascal has been very impressed with their enthusiasm and the children's desire to develop their understanding of the key musical terms. Well done!
Finally, all of Base 5 would just like to take this opportunity to thank all children, parents and staff for supporting our 'Bake Sale' at the end of last term. We managed to raise £61 selling our goods during both break times. We hope to arrange another fundraising event soon, with all proceeds continuing to go towards our residential trip to Robinwood on the 8th of July. Thank you!
01270 260656
Wrenbury Primary School
Nantwich Rd
Wrenbury, Nantwich