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Base 5 Weekly News

9th July 2019 – by R Charlesworth
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What a week we have had! We had a wonderful science session with the teachers from Brine Leas School- we really enjoyed the hands on activities, which investigated the ph of liquids.
This week we also enjoyed an African drumming session – this was simply fantastic but very challenging- rhythm, counting beats, making different sounds on the drums but I have to say that Y6 really did make it look easy!
We also had a visit from one of our governorship this week; Mr Taylor came in to speak about modern day slavery- this really interested and surprised the children but we did recognise this as what happened to the character of Mamo in our story.
We ended the week in style- with the year 6 treat day. Thank you to everyone for helping to make this a lovely surprise. The children had a blast when they had their water fight- we played 3 matches and finally the girl's team won-with Harrison as an added extra! We then played with our buddies- it is so wonderful to see the love between them – it really is very special. After this we had a lovely picnic in our classroom, due to the rain and wet grass. We finished the day with a fun swim – what fun we had!
I hope that you all have a lovely weekend – see you at the summer fair.

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