This past week in Base 5 has been very busy!
In Literacy we wrote formal letters to a character in our class text 'The Ghost of Thomas Kempe' asking him to help us with a difficult problem we have had. These letters have been fantastic and the typed-up versions will be on show in our topic books by the end of this week.
In Maths we have been working on real life budget problems. The children have been pretending to be travel agents finding holidays which fit different budgets for fictional characters. The children are beginning this week putting together proposals based on their calculations in order to win the holiday contract!
Elsewhere, on Wednesday, the children had a really informative assembly with reps from Childline and this will be followed up with a workshop this Wednesday.
The children have created fantastic 'Hand Art' as part of the school's contribution to this years Skoolsfest (pictured here).
In PE the children continued to practice and develop their cricket skills as part of our summer unit and we are preparing a dance during dance lessons linked to our ghostly topic...information to follow in future weeks.
Finally, the children have been extremely creative in computing using Google Sketch up to add further items to their spooky rooms and haunted houses.
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Wrenbury Primary School
Nantwich Rd
Wrenbury, Nantwich