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Base 5 Theme Day

24th January 2025 – by Miss Phillips
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The wind hasn't stopped Base 5 on their tackle against climate change.

We started the day with our class assembly which involved our song about plastic, facts about climate change and a quiz about making positive choices to support the environment. The children were fantastic and spoke very clearly.

We then wrote a letter to AFRA to ask for support with recycling in school. The children are extremely passionate about ensuring that we recycle as much as possible and reduce the amount of waste going to landfill sites.

After that, we discussed what we could do with clothes that are ripped and decided that the best thing for environment is repairing them. We designed our own sewing kit after researching different sewing kits, looking at the shapes and contents. We also created computer aided designs (CAD). 

Once we had finalised our designs, we measured out the fabric accurately before practising some stitching. We learnt running stitch and back stitch. On Monday, we will start sewing our kits together. 

We are hoping to rearrange our outdoor activities for after the Robinwood trip.


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