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Base 5

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This week in Base 5 we have been busy writing about The Gut- the engine rooms deep inside London . We have been really thinking carefully about our word choices and the ways in which we can create atmosphere in our writing. We have developed our working wall with lots of words, ideas and phrases which have really helped our writing- we are using this resource very well.
In maths the children have been requesting what they would like on the maths working wall which again they have used brilliantly. We have been looking at addition and subtraction in maths and been battling with problem solving and reasoning. Playing a few games along the way.
In geography we have been revisiting our past learning- asking what we already know and how this can help us with our next steps. We have been looking at maps, their purpose and reasons as to why they are different. We have also used aerial photographs to help us learn about London. We have started to create our own tourist map for London- focusing on some of those very special places such as St Paul's Cathedral and Tower Bridge.
This week we have also learnt about road safety and were awarded class of the month due to our wonderful questioning and listening skills- well done everyone! As well as this we have played hockey, thought about images in RE, rehearsed our harvest festival, enjoyed our French lessons and taken charge of our Friday assembly. We do manage to do such a lot in the week. Now, enjoy your weekend everyone- a well earned rest is much needed!

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