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Another busy week in Base 5! Where is this term going?!

In maths we started the week securing our methods for subtraction and ensuring we were accurate with our calculations. We attempted another problem solving treasure hunt outside but the rain came down! However, all was not lost as it gave us a great opportunity to try out the new outdoor classroom. The children enjoyed sitting under the shelter and solving the problems whilst getting lots of fresh air an oxygen to our brains to help us! We continued to practise our times tables with group work and the Times Table Ticket game. We learned about prime numbers and found all the ones under 100. Can you remember how many there are under 100? And we looked at rules for divisibility. Don't forget to try to find out the rules for divisibility by 6 , 7 and 8 for extra teampoints! And don't forget the others we already know!

In Literacy we finished editing and redrafting our persuasive letters to Fin Keddin to persuade him to let poor Torak free. We have done lots of work on phrases, main clauses, subordinate clauses and determiners. We investigated the -tious and -cious suffix and these words formed our spelling list for this week. This included some new words that the children may not have come across before, so make sure you look them up if you ran out of time to do so in class. I wonder if you can use them in your writing somewhere next week?

In Science we started to look at Evolution and Inheritance. We learnt all about fossils and how they are formed and how species evolve over time and why.

In Art we looked at the work of two artists, Paul Cezanne and Claude Monet. The children were given ten paintings and had to group them into two groups looking at the style of the painter. The children were very observant. They noticed the difference in brush strokes and styles to identify which paintings belonged to which painter. The paintings depicted forest landscapes including rivers which links to our Wolf Brother novel. Next week the children will be going outside to sketch the landscape around them in preparation for their own work in the styles of Cezanne and Monet. We are so lucky to have the surroundings we do to be able to help us do this sort of work.

Mrs Carden and Mrs Winward praised the Year 6 for their excellent effort and behaviour within their swimming lessons. Well done Year 6!

Next week we will be keeping up the pace of all our learning but also fitting in our preparations for the Christmas fair. We are going to very busy year 6 so get lots of rest ready for Monday morning!
Mrs McGhie

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