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My word- what a busy week! I hope you all have restful weekend planned!

We have been very busy in our English this week; looking closely at texts and working out what is happening in the story. We have been learning how to use evidence to support our ideas- we have been working hard on making sure we find the right piece of evidence to prove that we are correct. We have also been looking at a news report based upon a character in the story, we have looked at how facts and comments can be twisted to make the reader think what the author wants them to. We have also looked at the way in which this text has used punctuation and sentence structure to give information and detail. We will be writing our own versions next week. To help us really deepen our understanding of the characters involved we also took part in some role play – questioning and interviewing the characters from Gorilla Dawn.

In maths we have been busy with fractions; equivalent fractions, simplifying fractions and ordering fractions! We are all fractioned up! We have played active maths games, worked in pairs and groups and even taught each other how to solve problems. Well done team!

This week we have also been lucky to visit Audlem Methodist Church, we experienced a 'Peace Journey', this was such a wonderful experience, the children were truly immersed in the 1st World War considering the people and the lives they led during this harrowing time. We talked about peace and kindness and how important this is, even in the smallest of ways.

We also congratulated our new Junior Safety Officers on their new role this week.

I hope you have a lovely weekend – see you on Monday.


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