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Base 5 News

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What a lovely way to start the half term. We began by learning all about the circulatory system; it really has amazed us. The children have asked some very insightful questions such as; 'Why are the alveoli the shape they are? What is the benefit to the body?', 'Why can't we breathe when we have an asthma attack?', 'Why is the trachea bumpy?', 'Why does our heart beat faster when we run?' We now have answers to some of these questions but in true enquiry style, we seem to have more questions than we started with! As part of this science topic we have made 'blood smoothies' – you must ask the children about these! They have also begun some very accomplished explanation writing- well done everyone.
As well as this, the children have made pots, considering the work of the ancient Greeks- these look fabulous. Great teamwork went into these which was so lovely to see. We have also been developing our computing skills, using our new school laptops. We have been combing different types of media to create desired outcomes, again I have to say that your work looks very professional. As well as this we are continuing to use our key skills of using the network to save work, create our own folders and have used range of short cuts to do this- a really helpful real life skill.
In maths we have taken a quick look at coordinates and the ways in which these can be used to identify places, shapes and even move shapes in a variety of ways.
As well as all of this we have been swimming, enjoyed our fabulous French and RE lessons, continued with our music project and run news and celebration assembly! I'm not quite sure how we fit all of this in, but we did!
I wonder what next week will bring...

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