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Base 5 Museum Visit

17th December 2019 – by R Charlesworth
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Wow- what a day!
Thank you to everyone for coming in early – it really was worth it. We didn't want to leave! We enjoyed a wonderful session on the Greek Gods, dressing up as them and learning about their skills. We also took part in a short play based on the Greek Myth of Medusa – wasn't she scary! For the rest of the day we explored the museum- and what a museum it is! We saw dinosaurs, visited the aquarium, revisited our learning about the Ancient Egyptians- we even saw some real mummies; this really blew our minds. It was amazing. Using the timeline at the museum, we worked out where the Ancient Greeks fit in too. We also explored the bug house and the natural history gallery which was staggering – we were able to pick up and touch a range of amazing artefacts. We just did not want to come back! We all had a wonderful time and hope to go back again in the future.
Enjoy your weekend everyone- thank you for a lovely start to the 2020.

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