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Base 4's news

6th May 2016 – by Miss Phillips
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A short week for Base 4, it seems as though the weekend has come around extremely quickly!

In maths we completed our work on addition and subtraction with a range of problems and discussing ways of answering multi-step problems. We have since moved to multiplication and division, checking what we can do already and a good session using the Maths of the Day activities. We took full advantage of the lovely weather and took our maths tasks outside. Next week we will continue to work on multiplication and division, with specific emphasis on problems and checking we are secure on the written methods.

In Literacy we have been taking notes from a video based on the water cycle. Despite knowing the basics of the water cycle already we have, this week, learnt additional key terms and processes that take place. We then had a go at annotating a diagram of the water cycle, including key terms and then writing an introduction. Next week we will be writing up the processes of the water cycle, using our notes.

On Tuesday afternoon we started to look at rivers (my favourite topic). We made a list of all the rivers we know from around the world, I hope we can add to this throughout the term. We then discussed the source and the mouth of a river and identified them on UK Rivers. Next week we will continue to look and the source and the mouth and then move on to identifying sections of a river.

I was not in on Wednesday, but we had a supply teacher who said that it was a delight to teach Base 4 and they all word extremely hard. Well done Base 4, you should be proud of yourselves.

We had an exciting visitor on Thursday afternoon, an officer from Crewe fire station came to see Base 4 and discuss fire safety. We learnt how to keep our houses safe and prevent fires; but we also learnt what to do if a fire did happen to start. The children asked some excellent questions and the officer was very impressed with them all. To top off the afternoon some children had the chance to try on the outfit that a fire fighter wears. It was a little bit big for the children but they enjoyed it very much and learnt a lot!

Next week we are continuing with our topic, PE and Science as normal; I look forward to finding out more about the Amazon Rainforest.


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