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Base 4 weekly update

29th January 2016 – by Miss Phillips
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Week 4 already!! Where does the time go??

This week in Literacy we have been looking at some Greek myths, we found that they all have a hero, a mythical creature and there is a battle within which the hero wins. We have focussed on descriptive writing, refining our word banks, ensuring we are using a wide range of adjectives. We have created some very frightening creatures. Not only have we focussed on what the creature looks like, but we have also described how they move and their personalities. Next week we are going to discover how democracy evolved in Ancient Greece and we will be debating whether or not Ancient Greece should have become a democratic society. We will be arguing for and against, looking at it from both sides of the argument.

In maths we have put our addition and subtraction skills into practise with a range of problems which have tested us (Including me). We have all grasped written addition and subtraction and choosing when to use mental and written methods appropriately, however we will continue to practise the skills to make sure we don't forget them. We have moved onto fractions and reminded ourselves on how to add and subtract fractions (with denominators of the same multiple) and moved onto multiplying fractions. Next week we are continuing with fractions; we will be working out decimal equivalents to different fractions using tenths and hundredths.

We got the second layer of paper onto our Greek pots to make them the correct shape, it was very tricky but we enjoyed doing it, but we had to make sure we were very delicate and precise. In our sketch books, we created a design to be painted onto the side of our pots; we used ideas from the Ancient Greeks to help us. Next week we will start the painting to create our pots, ready to be displayed.
In History we used our maths knowledge to order dates which linked to the Ancient Greeks. Once we had discovered the order that the dates needed to go in, we could then order the facts about significant events that happened during the Ancient Greek period. We then started to create our own timelines in chronological order with different significant events on it. We will continue with these next week, discovering even more facts about Ancient Greece.

The children began their DT project with Mrs Smith; researching games that are available to children aged 9 – 10. The children found a lot of different types of games and displayed them as a mind-map with all the information about the game. Next week we are going to move onto the next DT stage which is design. We will be creating our own games and we will use ICT to support this process.
In PE we continued with Dodgeball, looking at game techniques and how to ensure our throws are precise and accurate and we are confident enough to have a go at catching any balls thrown onto our side. We also looked at positioning ourselves on the court to stop us all gathering in one place. Next week we are going to move onto Basketball, developing the techniques we need and seeing if we can transfer any of our previously learnt techniques.

What a busy day Thursday was. We had some children out with Mrs Winward at an internet safety roadshow in Crewe, which was a great opportunity for the children that went. Tin Can Alley had a great morning at Brine Leas in the final stage of the Enterprise competition, which was enjoyed by all of the children and they bought back their fantastic desk organisers made from recycled material. The dodgeball team played extremely well and should all be proud of how well they worked together as a team (especially those children who have not taken part in a school competition before). Next week should be back to normal!


Can we ensure that we have full PE kits in school; trainers, black shorts or black tracksuit bottoms (or both) and a red or white t-shirt. Girls must also have a bobble to tie their hair up.

Homework must be completed on time, it is essential to the children's learning.

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