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Base 4 Weekly Review

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This week in Base 4 we have continued our Journey down the River Sea following Maia's journey into the Amazon. This prompted us to journey into our own forest area and after some exploring we were inspired to write some fantastic pieces of descriptive writing. We have been using compound and complex sentences to 'up level' our writing and the pieces of writing we produced are stunning! We have written them up in neat and are looking forward to adding them to our rainforest display in the classroom.

In Maths we have been looking at adding and subtracting and we have been using our reasoning skills to solve multi step problems involving addition and subtraction. All our hard work has paid off and we are all much more confident using these skills now.

We are very much enjoying our music time with Mrs Rowlands and are mastering our first note and the techniques required to play these instruments. Well done to everyone who has been practising at home or in school – don't forget to ensure they are in school every Thursday!

We have had a great week in Base 4 – just a few reminders below:
Homework is given on a weekly basis.
Monday – English: in the green homework books
Friday – Maths: Either MyMaths or worksheet.

Spellings: Spellings have been given out for the next 6 weeks. These are to be practised every night and encourage children to find other words that follow the spelling rule (if applicable that week). Spellings can be practised in the back of the green homework books.

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