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Base 4 Weekly Review

13th January 2017 – by SS
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Another fantastic and busy week has been had in Base 4! We have been delving further into our new topic of Journeys and have produced yet more excellent pieces of work. In English, we have been debating whether or not to travel on a 'perilous' journey around the world on a yacht. We have written a balanced argument that explores the 'Pros and Cons' of this trip and then have arrived at our own conclusion.

In Maths, we have begun our new topic on the dreaded fractions! After a short intake of breath and a few tears (and that was just from me!) we soon realised that these much dreaded fractions are not actually as bad as first feared. We learnt this week about how a fraction works and how to expand and simplify these fractions. All in all a very productive week everyone!

In the afternoons this week we have focused on Science and looked at our Solar System. We began by sorting out the order of the planets before comparing the size of the planets to real life objects we could find int he classroom. Ask us about them – see if we can remember what each planet was! Then we went outside to compare the distances between the planets. We noticed that the four planets closest to the Sun are very close together but the four 'Gas Giants' are extremely far apart. Have a look at our pictures and see for yourself. We have learnt lots this week and have compiled all this information into a lovely booklet that will look great in our topic books.

Well done Base 4. Not bad for our first full week back!

Enjoy your very deserved weekend!

Mr Sargeant and Mrs Winward


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