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Base 4 Weekly News

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Base 4, you have absolutely blown my socks off this week! Your writing in particular has been amazing. We have looked at a wide range of texts which have included 'Watership Down', 'Bone Music' and 'Pog' to name but a few. We even realised that our poetry study of 'We Wandered Lonely as a Cloud' from earlier in the term could help us with our own writing. You have all been so focused, dedicated and hard working and when it came to our free-write session today you really made me proud. Everyone was so engaged in their writing; really pushing themselves to write the best story they could after after this everyone felt very proud of themselves- and rightly so!

In maths we have been developing our problem solving skills, looking at problems which involve addition and subtraction. We have looked at missing number problems, number pyramids and problems with a range of different steps within them. The children have really enjoyed the challenge and are ready for more next week.

As well as this we have developed our history, looking deeper into the life of Isambard Kingdom Brunel whilst also learning about a range of impressive and interesting boats through history. In DT we investigated bridges both successful and not so successful! We thought about what may have made them a success or a failure and will use this to help us plan our own bridge building project next week. In PE we developed our skills in field sports – having great fun whilst doing so. We also began our geography unit based upon the UK by looking at what we already knew about the UK and its geographical features.

As well as all of this we have had book club, started our 'Ideal Self ' project, enjoyed assemblies and Wrenbury Walks and even completed 'The Big Ask' – sending our responses so that our voices can be heard and hopefully have an impact on our future.

Well done Base 4 – a super week had by all.

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