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Base 4 update

13th May 2016 – by Miss Phillips
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A great week in Base 4, with downpours of rain and sunshine, but we made sure we still got out into the fresh air.

In Literacy this week we have done some scientific writing about the water cycle; learning new words and processes associated with it. We read an example to identify the language and punctuation to use and then had a go ourselves, ensuring we use the technical vocabulary. We also did some shared writing to help generate ideas and show examples of good writing. Next week we are going to be writing a short story, linked to Maia's journey through the Amazon Rainforest to get to Manaus.

We have worked hard to develop our multiplication and division skills – we have secured our written methods and practised applying them to different questions and problems. Factors and multiples of number below 100 were investigated too. Next week we will finish looking at problems and questions that allow us to apply our skills of multiplication and division.

In Geography we discovered some rivers of the world; we selected four world rivers to research (including the Amazon River). We found the source and the mouth for each river, the countries it travels through and the distance from its start to end. The Nile was the longest and travelled through 9 different countries. Next week we are going to explore a river in more depth, looking at the different sections and features.

We got the computers out to give coding a go using a new programme – The Code Academy. The children had to follow specific instructions and follow them by inputting the data given to generate the desired outcome. We will be continuing with this next week and dipping into scratch to further develop our programming skills.

In PE we have started training for Town Sports – the next sporting event coming up. We re-capped the long jump, ensuring we landed with two feet. This was followed by practising the javelin; we started with a tennis ball to develop the technique and then progressed to a short javelin. Next week we will get the full sized javelins and practise our running skills.

Don't forget we have got our trip to Chester Zoo on Wednesday 18th May (next week). Please make sure you have got a waterproof coat, suitable shoes and a rucksack for your packed lunch. I hope the weather stays nice for us; I am very much looking forward to it!

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