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Base 4 news

22nd January 2016 – by Miss Phillips
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This week in Literacy we have really tried to refine our writing, by adding additional detail to our stories and making sure we are using the descriptive language throughout the story. I have very much enjoyed reading the range of stories; we do have some fantastic imaginations in base 4 with a little support from 'Alan Gibbons'. Next week we are going to be analysing Greek Myths, discovering the features that makes a story a myth. We will also be developing our descriptive writing further by creating our own Greek Mythological creature. Throughout this we will be developing the punctuation that we use and increasing our word banks.

In maths we have focussed on Roman numerals, remembering the letters that represent each value, converting between Roman and English numerals, adding and subtracting numbers created with Roman numerals. Because we were getting to grips with Roman numerals, we thought that we would have a look at how the Ancient Greeks used to write their numbers. We found that they used letters to represent the values of each number and digit. Therefore, we wanted to show that we can create Greek numbers too, to display in our Learning Journey books.

Monday afternoon was a very messy and sticky afternoon! We first researched what an 'Amphora' Ancient Greek pot looked like and sketched the shape of one. We then started our journey to create our own Ancient Greek pots using papier mache. Next week we will start to shape our pots (let's hope the pots will hold) and put another layer on top before we paint and put a design onto them. We will also sketch our ideas to go onto the side of our pots.

In Science we have been looking at the Earth, all the children told me what they knew about space. We then discovered the Earth and decided it was definitely a sphere and not flat. Put we did explore what could be seen as an object moved further away on a flat Earth and spherical Earth. Next week we are going to be researching and discovering the Earth, sun and moon.

Our PE lesson was swapped this week to Tuesday and we continued to develop our Dodgeball skills, focusing on moving in a space in different directions and controlling our throwing in order to be accurate. Next week we are going to put our dodgeball skills into practise and start a mini-tournament, refining our skills as we go.

In geography we explored a map of Greece; we noticed some lines of the map and worked out that they show the elevation of the land above sea level. These lines are called contour lines. We then had a go at creating a mini contour map to give a 3D representation of the map.

Base 4 and 5 had a great time at the Singfest rehearsal. It was fantastic to come together with other schools and sing all the songs we have been learning. Now we can look forward to the performance in March.

Next week we have got the finals of the Enterprise challenge, the winning team, Tin Can Alley, will be off to Brine Leas to create a product and present to a new set of Dragons. We have also got our Dodgeball competition to look forward to as well. Both of these events are on Thursday, so we will have a very different day.
We have a new writing project in school, where each class will be writing for an hour independently, on a topic of their choice. This is an opportunity for the children to show off all of their writing skills. As you will have seen from their homework sheet this week, the children will be given time to research and collect notes and ideas before the writing session.


I do expect homework to be of the highest standard, which means it should reflect the standard of work produced in class.
Times tables and spellings need to be learnt EVERY DAY!

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