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Base 4 news

12th July 2019 – by Mr Lindop
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Wow! I've been amazed by Base 4's work this week and they should be proud of how they have engaged and explored their learning.

On Monday, our drumming workshop was fantastic. The children threw themselves into the different drumming patterns and picked them up very quickly. So many of them have said how much they loved playing as an ensemble and then having the chance to do their own drum solos. We have some very talented musicians in Base 4.

This week, we have also been coming towards the end of our learning journey about South Africa by looking at some of the more recent history. It was a bit of a shock when the classroom was divided into two halves and no one was allowed to cross over into the other half. We then tried to complete the same task with different resources on each side of the room. We talked at length about what this separation felt like before learning about how this happened in South Africa not so long ago.

We then learnt all about Nelson Mandela, his life and how he led the fight against apartheid before finally becoming President in 1994. We even created our own vlogs to share what we had learnt with each other and there were some wonderfully creative ideas. Well done Base 4.

Base 4 have also been working really hard over the last couple of their sessions with Mrs Cador on a piece of writing, based on the book "Snowglobe" by Amy Wilson. The children were so keen to share their writing with me on Friday afternoon and I've been super impressed with how far they have come in their writing since the start of the year. You should all be immensely proud of what you have achieved.

Have a fantastic weekend, Base 4 and I look forward to a fantastic last week together next week.


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