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Base 4 News

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Another week has flown by for Base 4. This week we have developed our learning in English from our Philosophy lessons to now looking at how we can write a balanced argument; we have been looking at how we can structure our work and how we can build cohesion. Base 4 have also been very lucky to have completed some excellent writing with Mrs Cador about a strange key and the door it belongs to... it is mysterious and exciting all at the same time! The children have worked hard to create a story which really makes you want to read on, well done.
In maths we have been grappling with multiplication and division and all that comes with it! The children have been very focused – something you can see clearly in their work, we really enjoy a challenge!
We have been working very hard with our computing; we are looking at how to apply loops and nested loops in our code which can be rather complicated! As well as this, in D & T we have developed our 'land sailer' designs, making accurate drawings to support the creation of our prototype. We have moved on from our original plan and created a hybrid with a partner, taking on board the best parts of both designs. I can't wait for next week!

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