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Base 4 news

15th June 2019 – by Mr Lindop
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We've had a great time this week in Base 4. We've continued out work on properties of materials, investigating thermal insulators, dissolving and methods of separating materials. The children made some fantastic observations when finding out if materials were soluble or insoluble and lots of scientific inquiry was on display. I was impressed with how well the children used the language we had learned to describe what they could see happening when we mixed materials like salt, sugar, coffee, flour and rice with water. We can't wait to share some of this with our parents next week.

We've also been taking the theme of freedom and captivity further this week and the children have produced some fantastic writing from the perspective of animals. They have used some excellent descriptive language and drawn on their own experiences to write some really powerful pieces. Well done, Base 4.

In Maths, we've continued to learn about different measures and have started to look at time. A great Maths of the Day session on Thursday in the hall helped us to recap analogue time and revisit telling the time in digital format. The children love learning maths in such an active way and working hard, both physically and mentally.

Finally, a huge well done to all those children in Base 4 who took part in enrichment activities this week. There's so much going on and it's great to see so many children representing Wrenbury Primary School and doing us proud.

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