Phew! What a hot and busy week! Well done to everyone this week for all the hard work they have done despite the heat!
In English we have been doing lots of writing around our new favourite secret agent – Spy Fox! We have created our own story maps of his adventures and used them to write a recount of his secret mission to prevent Dr Hammer from taking over the world!
In Maths we have been looking at using our multiplication and division skills to help us solve more complex problems. We then used these skills to help us find the area of various rectangle shapes. We covered this topic late in the Autumn Term and we struggled with this concept, however revisiting it now and applying all our learnt knowledge to this area ensured that we were much more confident this time around.
In our Learning Journey time we have been thinking cool thoughts whilst painting fire scenes for our poems in our topic books. We have also had fun on the laptops using Microsoft Excel to build our skills with spreadsheets. We are all becoming rather skilled using Excel to create formulas to help us carry out a task!
Well done to everyone from Base 4 who gave up their free time on Monday and Wednesday this week to go to Town Sports and represent the school. You all did a fantastic job and once again did the school proud.
Have a chilled weekend.
Mr Sargeant and Mrs Winward.
01270 260656
Wrenbury Primary School
Nantwich Rd
Wrenbury, Nantwich