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Base 4 news

17th May 2019 – by Mr Lindop
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We've had an incredibly busy week making the most of the fine weather in Base 4.

On Monday, we practiced athletics out on the field in PE and worked hard to improve our running technique. I was so impressed with how well the children listened and encouraged each other and really took on board the learning.

In Maths this week, the year 4's have identifying different quadrilaterals and sorting them by their properties. We made use of the school grounds and did some active maths to help sort our shapes out and write down the properties we could see. Alongside this, the year 5's used their knowledge of angles around a point and turning clockwise and anti-clockwise to plot a path through the square numbers on the snakes and ladders board. Computing, angles and square numbers knowledge all rolled into one and the children were great at running and debugging their instructions when we tested them out.

Our English work has focussed on Martine's encounter with the White Giraffe and we have been using drama to build towards writing diary entries next week. We acted out video calls between Martine and a friend from home and we really got to grips with how Martine would have been feeling about her encounter.

We've also been doing some artwork this week, taking our learning about Tinga Tinga art last week to paint our own compositions. I've been amazed with how the children have interpreted the style and techniques of Tinga Tinga and used this to create their own fantastic artwork.

It's also been a bit of a "foodie" week. In RE, Mrs. Clarke brought in the different foods that make up the Passover Seder for us to try as we learnt the tradition and meaning behind this important Jewish meal.

We've also had a delicious Friday exploring bread as part of our D&T work for this term. We've been trying different types of bread, examining the appearance, shape, texture and taste and then starting to design our own bread in groups before creating them next week. It's worth saying that Mrs. Cador and I were particularly impressed with some of the group discussions when designing the bread and how well the children worked together and compromised to come up with their final designs. Some great teamwork going on, so well done Base 4.

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