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Base 4 news

10th May 2019 – by Mr Lindop
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The 4 day week hasn't stopped Base 4's learning this week and it's been great to see the positive attitude the children have had towards their work.

Our work in English has taken us to the Kruger National Park, with children using their drama skills to act as trainee game keepers, under the careful watch of Tendai from the White Giraffe. We've used research from different sources (including our homework) to make notes about some of the main animals that we were taking care of. We then used our notes to plan and write our own non-chronological reports about the animals that we have found. I was really impressed by the children's writing and use of the key features of this type of writing.

In maths, we've been exploring angles. Year 4 have been sorting and ordering different angles by size and identifying angles in a triangle. Year 5's have been getting to grips with protractors for the first time and they've figured them out in record time, even taking on the role of teacher to teach others how to use them correctly. Fantastic teamwork and showing one of our ACHIEVE behaviours.

Also, Base 4 have once again done a super job and improved their average score in their weekly times tables speed test and earned their weekly class treat. Well done Base 4!

In RE, we've been learning about Judaism and learning about Passover and the seder meal. We are really looking forward to trying some of the food for Passover next week-yum!

We've also started learning about Tinga Tinga art this week, exploring the shapes, colours and features of Tinga Tinga and learning more about Edward Saidi Tingatinga who started the art movement. The children really enjoyed some free sketching to African music on Friday afternoon and I was really impressed with how they reflected on their own interpretations of the art work and music. We definitely have budding artists in our midst.

Have a great weekend everyone.

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