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Base 4 News

16th June 2017 – by SS
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Well yet another week has just raced by! This week we have been looking at poetry and have been continuing to create imaginative imagery poem around our D&T tepee projects. We have had great fun 'playing with fire vocab' and using this to inspire us to write these poems. As a result our poems are amazing and will look amazing when written up in our topic books!

In maths we have been recapping and mastering knowledge on number, place value, addition and subtraction – units that we have been revisiting over the year and are now mastering these skills and using them to solve problems in other areas of our maths.

In topic we have been looking at Native American clothing and have 'dressed' a Native American man and lady in traditional clothing and looked at how these clothes were made and differ from our clothing today.

Well done to all the Year 5s who went on the Science trip and learnt lots about the local area and the River Weaver.

Another busy week again!

Enjoy the sun this weekend and I will do my best to not injure myself again!

Mr Sargeant and Mrs Winward.

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