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Base 4 News

17th March 2017 – by SS
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Well done Base 4 on yet another fantastic week!

We have worked extremely hard yet again this week. In English, we have been exploring different writing techniques that we can use to improve our writing. We began the week by improving sentences by adding adjectives in pairs. This enabled us to describe character's feelings and actions without our writing sounding like a list. It was great to see these type of sentences being used later in the week! We have been looking at how to properly use speech in our writing and how to move a story forward using time connectives. Safe to say we have covered a lot in a week!

In Maths, we have been working hard to wrap our heads around money and solving problems involving pounds and pence. Everyone has worked extremely hard and it has been great to see the progress everyone has made. Year 4s are now increasingly able to add and subtract different amounts of money as well as find amounts of change. Year 5s are also able to multiply and divide monetary amounts by whole numbers. Well done. As we have worked so hard this week we all had a go at planning a party! I think we all now appreciate the hard work that Mums and Dads put in, as the arguments that went flying around the room ('You spent how much on party hats? We don't need 100 sausage rolls!') meant that we were using and applying our learnt knowledge!

In topic we have been learning all about Japan and Japanese culture. Our topic books are coming along nicely and we are looking forward to showing these off to you on parents evening on 29th or 30th March.

Have a fantastic weekend.

Mr Sargeant and Mrs Winward

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