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Base 4 News

5th May 2017 – by SS
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What a week we have had in Base 4! A big well done to everyone this week as we have all applied ourselves fantastically well to everything we have done! Your work ethic has been amazing so well done!

In English this week we have read more of The Indian in the Cupboard and delved further into Omri's and Little Bull's adventures! We have learned about the Sioux tribe and used this information to write a Non-Chronological Report about them. We got so stuck into this we set aside a whole morning on Tuesday! It was worth it though as they were fantastic! Later in the week, we recounted the story so far and took on the role of Little Bull. Yet again, our writing was amazing and we produced some fantastic pieces of work. It's great to see so many of you inspired by the topic.

In Maths, we have been using our rounding skills to estimate the answers to questions and then using the inverse operation to check if our answer is correct. This gives us 2 ways to check our answers and is a very high level skill – something that we mastered rather quickly and is a great tool to have in our toolbox! We just need to remember to use them now!! We then moved onto solving 2 step addition and subtraction problems – which after an initial panic we quickly got our heads around and have become quite the experts on as well! We just need to remember to read the questions and underline the key bits of information!

In the afternoons we have been looking at Native America on a map and thanks to Mrs Winward and some kind volunteers our display is coming along nicely. We have all made a 3D effect lift flap map that is displayed around our large map of Native America and we are having lots of fun learning all about the different types of Native American housing.

Don't forget your PE Kits for Monday and Wednesday next week – We will make the most of the nice weather before the rain arrives!

Have a fab weekend!

Mr Sargeant and Mrs Winward.

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