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Base 4 News

9th June 2017 – by SS
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Welcome back Base 4! How has the Summer 2 term come around this quickly? It seems like only yesterday we were wrapped up against the weather in the Winter. Now we are wrapped up against the weather in the Summer!

Everyone has settled back into the swing of things after the half term break and we have really worked hard this week. In Maths, we have been looking at Statistics and creating Bar and Line Graphs and then using them to solve problems. We then moved onto timetables and have been looking at how different train and bus journeys are shown. Next time you are out quiz us on these! Linking this with ICT we then used Microsoft Excel to create different charts and present our data in different ways. We then moved onto using Excel to help us solve other maths problems. We have only just scratched the surface! Stay tuned next week!

In English we have created adverts for our tepees. We recapped the persuasive features of adverts and used these to help us create our own for our handmade tepees. We have worked very hard on these and produced some eye-catching adverts for our topic books. We have then moved onto poetry and have been continuing with the tepee theme by expanding our descriptive vocabulary around tepees. We are going to use this to create a spine poem about tepees next week. The vocabulary we have been coming up with has been astonishing not to mention the imagery we have been creating with similes, metaphors and personification!

All this work has taken up a large part of the week but a big well done must go out to everyone as your Native America projects are looking fantastic and have filled the void left by the famous explorers posters! The classroom has been transformed with our totem poles and tepees and is a credit to all of your hard work.

Enjoy your weekend – you have once again earned it!

Important Notice
Everyone will need their PE kit for Monday afternoon.

Year 5 – Science Trip on Thursday 15 June (not July!).

Mr Sargeant and Mrs Winward.


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