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Base 4 news

1st March 2019 – by Mr Lindop
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Welcome back, Base 4!

It's been a great week in Base 4 as we have been reflecting on our learning from our field trip last week. In English, we have been studying non-chronological reports and identifying the key features to help us plan our writing for next week. Our trip has given us some fantastic facts to use which we have ordered into paragraphs and written sub-headings for.

In Maths, we've been doing more work on fractions. Year 4 have been finding non-unit fractions of quantities while year 5 have been adding mixed numbers. Some of base 4 were finding fractions really tricky before the break, but it's been great to see how much progress they have been making this week. Some great ACHIEVE behaviours with pupils concentrating and improving their work. Well done!

In RE with Mrs. Clarke, we have been starting learning more about Islam and mosques. I was really impressed to hear how much Base 4 could remember from last year about Islam and they had some really great learning questions to ask.

Finally, our learning journey has been moving along nicely. We had a few pages to sort this week, but some hard work and effort on Friday afternoon meant we are now pretty much up to date. Many of the children have really taken pride in their Learning Journey books so far and the books are looking fantastic. We can't wait to share them with parents in the next few weeks.

Have a great weekend and hope you are all looking forward to reading week!


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