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What a fabulous end to our week – snow! The children have enjoyed the flurries and made some fantastic snowmen!
In our English this week the children have written some fantastic stories, they have worked hard on their choice of words to create imagery, use of speech and sentence structure for impact. Well done! In maths we have continued to focus upon measures; we have looked into the different units of measurement, how to measure and how to convert these measures. The children have also developed their land-sailers, completing their chassis and now joining the axels and wheels. These are fantastic; we will be racing these next week. We have made some lovely 'Kindness Cards' for our Christmas Fair ; the children created some of their own messages; this was one of Harrison's ; "Anger will not break a friendship but a friendship will fix anger." In RE this week we designed our own Celtic trinity knot, after a discussion about the meaning of trinity; the children had some brilliant ideas and their artwork is super.
I hope you all enjoy the snow this weekend; have a fabulous time.


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