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Base 4 news

17th November 2018 – by G Lindop
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What a week we've had in Base 4!

In Maths, we've been building up what we know about the times tables by launching two investigations. First, we drew out the patterns that the last digits of our times tables look like on a 10-point circle. We were amazed to find that the patterns that looked the same were our number bonds to 10! Then, we used a multiplication square and counters to find factors. It's been great playing around with multiplication patterns and should help with our recall of our times tables on Times-table Rockstars.

In English, we continued to explore our text from Friend or Foe. We compared what we knew about David and compared this with what we could find out about Private Peaceful. We then developed story maps for the extract. We also use thesauruses to expand our vocabulary.

Our afternoons have seen us focus in on the history of WWI. We have been doing lots of research into women's roles in the war. We had a great discussion on Tuesday about how much has changed for women as a result of going out to work during the war and the vital role they played in supporting the front-line and on the home-front.

For anti-bullying week, we had a computing and drama focus and on Monday, Mr. Lindop pretended to be a character, Rani who thought he had been cyber-bullied. We explored how cyber-bulling can arise, how we should be careful how we communicate online and on our phones and tablets, as well as staying safe online by asking adults to block unknown messages.

It's been a great week and some really fantastic, hard work from the whole class. Our attendance was great this week too and we were so close to the golden ticket award this week! Lets try again for 100% next week.

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