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There is nothing quite like just getting stuck in, and that is exactly what we did this week!

We started our week with our English, looking at a few different texts but focusing on the first few pages 'Bone Music' by David Almond and 'Flower Power'- a non-fiction text based upon the differing properties of flowers and plants. We are building up to writing our own story. To take this a step further, after using the texts as a support , we headed outside to really look closely at nature. We though carefully about precise word choices and used our developing skill of using figurative language to create some fantastic pieces of writing. I am looking forward to seeing where this takes us next week – I know that we have more more wonderful texts heading our way .

In our maths we have continued to work on our arithmetic, something that we are feeling very confident with. As well as this we so focused on rounding, something we were not so confident with. After a few lessons in the classroom we moved to enjoy some active maths outside. We had great fun playing a team game, finding questions, working out the answer and moving on to the next challenge.

We also became historians, investigating a range of sources in the hope that we could make a theory about them. What were these sources? What did they tell us? Were they accurate? How could we look deeper to take what we needed from them? What did they suggest about this time? After a great deal of investigative work the children came to the conclusion that we were going to learn about a key figure, in the Victorian times, a figure who designed and possibly built boats, railways, bridges and tunnels. Finally we came across the name ; Isambard Kingdom Brunel. We were wowed by him. The children were really buzzing about this which was wonderful to see.

As well as this we have revisited our French from last term in preparation for next week. Year 4 have looked at schools and subjects and Year 5 have been working on directions to help them get to places identified on a map. In RE we discussed the idea of community, what it it is, how it is shown and where we can see it. We have started our athletics skills in PE and are really enjoying this, particularly in the sunshine. We also found time to water all the trees we planted last term. Oh, and we had a super delivery from the library van- the library is now all refreshed and ready for you on Monday, filled with the most recent, award winning books- how exciting!

Thank you for a lovely week Base 4, enjoy your weekend and I look forward to seeing you on Monday.

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