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Base 4 News

26th March 2021 – by Mrs Charlesworth
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I can't quite believe that another week has flown past! This week started with planning science investigations. We wanted to know how we could get solids back from solutions we had made and thought that it may be impossible to get substances such as sugar and salt back from water once we had mixed them. Our investigations are all ready to start on Monday, I wonder what we will discover? Will our predictions be correct?
We have continued with our handling data skills which linked to our census work from last week- we have become much more confident at recording data and then completing graphs to help us interpret this information.
In English we have been looking at new text called 'Climate Action'; a non-fiction text with simply fabulous illustrations. This text links with our work in geography; focusing on rainforests, deforestation and the impact this has on the world. We have developed our reading skills, focusing on what we can do when we come across new and challenging words. We have also been using this to develop our writing, looking closely at relative pronouns, relative clauses and we have even suck a few modal verbs in there too!
We have also had a well being session, using the book 'Ruby's Worry'. We looked at worries and what we can do about them to stop them building up. We also talked about how we can help each other when we have worries.
As well as all this the children had a great PE session this week, again focusing on kindness and the skills needed for team work.
Finally, to end our week, we looked at the poem 'I wandered Lonely as a Cloud ' by William Wordsworth. The children really enjoyed this poem and could see how those cheerful flowers could make a heart want to dance! As part of this we worked on our oracy skills by either working on this poem or one of the many others we have looked at already this term. Some of us took our work outside and practiced in the fresh air. Again, the children really enjoyed this and I have to say that they did a wonderful job. These will be recorded and used as part of our Easter service.
Base 4, as always, you have given your all this week- well done. Rest, relax and enjoy your weekend. I look forward to seeing you again on Monday.

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