Last week in Base 4, we had a science week as part of our digestion theme. We learnt about the structure of the teeth and how sugar can impact on healthy teeth.
We decided to launch an investigation into the effect that sugar can have. We used hard-boiled eggs and put them into 4 different drinks – water, sugar-free orange squash, cola and orange juice to see the effects that the sugar in each of those drinks will have. Belle made a great prediction, "The cola will make the egg decay because that has the most sugar in it." We're opening our egg jars on Tuesday this week and already can see what has happened to some of the eggs. It could be a smelly lesson!
Thanks to everyone's great research for their homework, we also used our weighing and measuring skills to see how much sugar there was in the different drinks we enjoy every day. Marloe was amazed to see quite how much sugar there was in a carton of apple juice. We really enjoyed doing some practical work.
We also learnt about food chains and constructed our own "human" food chains in the hall. We learnt that producers in food chains get their energy from the sun and are usually green plants and that different animals can be both predators and prey. Base 4 didn't think of themselves as predators until we put humans into our food chain!
In Maths, we have been continuing with our multiplication and division topic, learning about what happens when multiplying and dividing by 10, 100 and 1000. Some children also enjoyed correcting some of Mr. Lindop's times-table facts which he had done in a rush!
In English, we've been expanding our descriptive writing by learning how to use fronted adverbials in our writing to describe what David might see at the train station before he was evacuated.
Finally, Base 4 were second again in the battle for a golden ticket for attendance. A great effort everyone, even with a few coughs and sniffles around. Let's go for 100% attendance this week!
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Wrenbury Primary School
Nantwich Rd
Wrenbury, Nantwich