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Base 3's Weekly News

8th November 2015 – by Mrs Carden
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This week was full of Roman Coliseum fun, gladiators and a very interesting science investigation!

In Base 3 we have focused on writing in an engaging and entertaining way for the reader. We found out lots about the Roman Coliseum via video and text, then gathered and presented all our fab facts in our topic learning journeys.

We worked on texture in art to create a realistic Coliseum building in our topic learning journeys, combining the intact original Coliseum with the present semi-ruins that remain. Messy but lots of fun! Next week we will continue the children's excitement about the entertainment that took place in the Coliseum and focus on descriptive atmospheric writing.

Science this week was the set up of a very important investigation for us...effects on our teeth from various drinks. The children chose a range of items that recreate the tooth structure; hard outer layer and softer in the middle. The items being tested are: chestnuts, acorns, boiled eggs, smarties and mini pumpkins!! The liquids include Coke, no added sugar squash, milk, water and apple juice, all chosen and delegated by the children. This helped our maths skills too as we had lots of dividing and measuring to do in our science teams. We look forward to concluding results early next week.

Maths this week has seen more shape work, mainly practical and interactive using computer games and activities. Some children have been revisiting 3D shape names and properties as well as problem solving with some challenging tasks involving squares! Others have focused mainly on 2D shapes and problem solving using their properties. Next week we will look at symmetry and reflection and continue some shape investigation.

PE has now changed focus into indoor athletics, beginning with hurdles. Most children are remembering appropriate kits so week done- please ensure indoor kit is in their bags!

Reminder of homework throughout the week, Tuesday- MyMaths or maths task in books. Friday- Literacy. Daily- reading, spellings and times tables.

Keep up the hard work!

Mrs Carden

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