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Base 3's Weekly News

19th November 2015 – by Mrs Carden
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This week we have continued our work on angles. The Year 3s have now started to look at identifying not only right angles, but angles that are bigger or smaller than a right angle. Can you remember that 'acute' means smaller because we think small things are cute?...and obtuse is the correct word for an angle that is bigger than a right angle.
Year 4s have been revising acute and obtuse angles, but they have now been introduced to a protractor! This is still very new and we need lots more practise, but i'm sure we will be accurate 'angle measurers' before long. :)

We have also been working on a Topic project this week that we already had planned and designed from last week. This piece of work showcases all our learning about different types of gladiators who fought in the Roman Colosseum. It involved lots of Literacy skills: handwriting, spelling and sentence work; art skills for presenting our learning engagingly and finally some more maths skills were used for measuring card for flaps and pockets and some estimating too! The children always work really well when they have free rein to design their own presentation for their work- the Year 4s especially trained at this as we have practised this a few times in the last year...but i have to say the Year 3s have listened very well to tips on how to make the most of putting their information and images together. They all look fantastic and we will have some images ready for next week of the finished pages in their books! Have a look at the pics to see the process of writing, drawing, cutting and presenting!

A big WELL DONE needs to be awarded to Jonty, Max T and Charlie in Year 3 who worked fabulously with the writing of their gladiator information. They drafted their sentences, used the key word bank that we made, then neatly wrote the info on their flaps/pockets in pen to go into their gladiator pages of their learning journey book. I was very impressed with their independence and maturity shown, let's keep it up!

Remember- no more swimming for Base 3 as we have had all of our sessions for this year now. Hopefully some children will have found the confidence to now start official weekly swimming lessons to continue their hard work and progress.

Please be reminded that it is now getting cold and very windy at times, so all children not only need to bring a coat to school, but they actually need to wear at all play times! If this could be reiterated at home that would be very helpful.

Please could anyone who hasn't donated to the Base 3 Christmas hamper, please do so asap, as the deadline for these items to be in is Friday 20th November. Our items are Christmas puddings, small Christmas cakes or dried fruits. Many thanks in advance. Also we are asking for our annual 'treat-filled' crackers, which will be sold at the Christmas Fair also. Please indicate if your cracker is a boy/girl/both cracker.

Finally, a little advanced reminder that we have an Adult Tombola at the Christmas fair, for which we are asking children to bring in a bottle on Tuesday 24th November, and in return for your kind donation, the children may come into school wearing non-school uniform.

Many thanks and have a fab weekend!
Mrs Carden


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