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Base 3's Week

18th October 2015 – by Mrs Carden
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This week in Base 3 we have all created final drafts of our newspaper articles about the robbery in Ostia, Rome, from our story. The finished articles look fabulous on display on our 'Temple of Writing'! Also our small world Ostia is nearly finished ready to be on display beneath the temple. Well done to all the children for fantastic team work, creative ideas and enthusiasm.
Next week we are focusing on descriptive writing to create atmosphere in our sentences, writing about the town and market place in Ostia, of which all the stalls are made in our small world construction.

In Maths, we have really worked hard to get better at telling the time in Year 3, working out time intervals for all of us, and converting time from analogue to digital (12- and 24-hour!) in Year 4. There are lots of ways to practice and explore this and so we are continuing with this theme in Maths next week.

In Science we have pulled together our learning about different food types and also our learning about teeth and keeping them healthy. So the children have thought about how they can further investigate the effects of different foods and drinks on our teeth. We discussed how we didn't want to ruin anybody's 'real' teeth when exploring this so the children have all come up with different things that we can use and test, as if they were teeth. The criteria was that it had to have an outer layer that was harder and it had to be softer in the middle. So, the children have decided to test: chestnuts, acorns, boiled eggs, smarties and mini pumpkins (if we can get hold of them!). They thought that we should find out the effects of different drinks or liquid food on them to find out about which foods and which ingredients may cause tooth decay. This is going to be a fun one next week for the children to work in their teams to set up and test. Keep a look out for the results in a week or so!

The children have been putting their Art/DT skills into great use this week creating miniature 'Roman Centurions' of themselves. These were made from clothes pegs and all sorts of crafty materials and they look super on display on our Literacy working wall. We are going to use these soldiers as a stimulus for creative sentence writing in the next few weeks.

We have been working hard practising the songs in preparation for our Harvest Festival service at church next week and some Base 3 children have had reading parts to practise over the weekend.

Remember, reading, spelling and times tables is something to be practised almost every day in Key Stage 2 so keep up the hard work!

See you all soon for another busy week
Mrs Carden

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