Base 3 had a very busy last week and a half at school. We had so many different events going on including our Christmas lunch when we made our own hats, the Christmas Carol service which was lovely and the children did very well, Learning Journey books to finish, we even got to make our volcanoes explode and of course Christmas parties!
The children have worked extrememly hard this term and I am very impressed with what they have all achieved. Each member of Base 3 should be proud of themselves. Our first Learning Journey books look fantastic because everyone focused on making sure they were of the highest quality during the ast few days. This term we have worked especially hard on everyone becoming independent learners and finding trategies that help to support their learning independently.
Please keep up all of the hard work next term as I am very excited to start our new Learning Journey! Don't forget to keep reading, keep learning your times tables and spellings.
I hope all of the children are enjoying their well-deserved break and are getting that all improtant rest so they are prepared for Spring term.
I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Miss Phillips
01270 260656
Wrenbury Primary School
Nantwich Rd
Wrenbury, Nantwich