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Base 3 Weekly News

27th March 2015 – by Miss Carter
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We have successfully survived assessment week for another term! A massive (and very proud!) WELL DONE to all members of Base 3 who have given their all this week to complete assessments in Maths, Writing and Reading.

We have enjoyed some 'down time' in between tests to watch 'Stig of the Dump'- the film version- as part of our Topic work, enabling us to compare the film version to our class novel version.

There has also been lots of singing practice going on this week in preparation for the Easter Service on Tuesday morning next week. Base 3 have a very special role to play with some choreography to a song as part of the Easter story.

Another little project of ours has been developing this week, as our venture with 'The Journey Man' is getting well underway! Very excitingly, Base 3 are going to be performing at Schoolzfest this Summer (Sat 4th July) in Nantwich with our 'Stone Age-Iron Age' storytelling performance. The story we have developed has solely come from the children's great imaginations and looks set to give the other schools' performances a good run for their money! I look forward to seeing how this will progress with the children and know that they all are thrilled to potentially be a part of such an enjoyable yearly event in Nantwich.

Next week, we look forward to creating exciting collage Topic book covers to showcase all of our learning this term of 'The Stone Age to the Iron Age'. We really have truly enjoyed being in a 'Homo sapien' frame of mind and taking our imaginations back to the hunter gatherer lifestyle through drama, writing and art.

Finally, another fantastic opportunity coming to Wrenbury next week- our 'Mad Science' show on Thursday morning. Bring on the amazement and wonder of Science!

We look forward to seeing you in church on Tuesday morning to join in with our Easter service.
Have a lovely weekend.

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