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Base 3 News

9th November 2018 – by Miss McKinnon
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What an exciting first week back Base 3 have had!

In Literacy, the children started the week by looking at the front cover of our new book and wrote a short story using their predictions of what they thought it was going to be about. The children then started to read the first few pages of the book and discussed lots of new vocabulary that they will be trying to use in their writing next week!

During Maths, we have continued to look at multiplication and division. The children have be looking at solving division problems by sharing and by using bar models. We then looked at using the inverse (and our times tables) to help us solve missing number calculations.

Base 3 have had some very exciting afternoon lessons this week as they have continued to investigate Light in our Science topic. The children discussed what a light source is and where we might find them. We then learnt all about reflective materials. This led to the children carrying out an experiment where the they had to test which material was the most reflective so they could design a new jacket for pupils to wear to school now it is dark in the mornings and evenings.

Friday morning was a morning of baking for Base 3! After learning about rationing before half term the children decided they would like to make their very own war time recipe. We decided to make Rock Cakes. The children did extremely well and created a delicious end result! During the afternoon, the children used the morning's experience to create some fantastic writing as they wrote their own recipe for how to make WW2 Rock Cakes.

A brilliant first week back Base 3, well done! I hope you all have a lovely and restful weekend ready for the busy week ahead.

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