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Base 3 news

5th October 2016 – by Miss Phillips
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A fantastic week of learning in Base 3, I feel like we have accomplished a lot due to all the children listening carefully, following instructions and working as hard as they can.

Our quiet class environment has supported our Literacy and Maths this week, allowing the children to focus and concentrate on the tasks in hand, whilst also being able to get involved in group and pair work.

We started our Literacy lessons this week by re-ordering a story that had been chopped up and mixed up. We discovered that the story was, 'The Tin Forest'. Around the classroom excellent conversations could be heard about why a specific part would need to come next and the children stating their opinions. We then read the story and identified the introduction, build-up, problem, resolution and conclusion. Following this we generated some story ideas for our own adventure into the Indonesian Rainforest and started to plan our adventure story. Next week we are going to have a look at different story openers and find ones that will grab the readers attention and then we will work through each stage of a story to develop our sentences and vocabulary.

In Maths we have had great fun exploring addition using some practical resources. We have been working through adding ones, tens and hundreds to 2, 3 or 4 digit numbers using diennes, numicon and 100 squares to support us. Next week we are going to be applying these addition skills to missing digit problems and moving onto subtraction, looking at how subtraction and addition link.

Our afternoons this week have been particularly messy! We have started our DT project making volcanoes, using paper mache. We had to work carefully to create a structure in the shape of a volcano and then paper mache over the top to make it strong. There was a lot of glue and newspaper around the classroom, however the children worked extremly well and are excellent when it comes to tidying up! These will be ready for painting next week!

Mrs Rowlands has been very impressed with how well the year 4's have been doing in their brass lessons, everyone is trying very hard to develop their skills in music. Well done year 4, keep up the hard work.

On Thursday the year 3's and 6's had a trip out to Brine Leas High School for the first rehearsal for the Popera mass choir we will be singing in. We had a great morning having a go at some of the new songs, and now we are prepared to start learning and perfecting them at school ready for the next rehearsal.

I will be monitoring homework very closely, many children in Base 3 have not brought homework in on time recently. Homework is very important to develop learning and understanding, please ensure that homework is completed,, this is also the children's responsibility as they are key stage 2 children.

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