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Base 3 news

27th November 2016 – by Miss Phillips
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Another very busy week in Base 3, with everyone giving all of their effort to enhance their learning.

In Maths this week, we continued working with fractions, specifically focusing on fractions of amounts. We have learnt how to successfully find unit fractions of amounts, and some of us can use non-unit fractions of amount. We could therefore then apply this to some word problems, which proved to be quite challenging. However, we overcame this by understanding what the question was asking us to do and utilising counters/cubes to support us. To embed the concept of what a fraction is we had a lesson using cakes! We had to find different fractions of the cake so that we could see a whole cake being split into frations, allowing us to understand that the fractions we were looking at were smaller than 1. Next week in Maths we are moving onto measurment, starting with length.

In Literacy, we started to write our recount of our school trip. We looked at the different types of vocabulary that we needed to include, which were time conjunctions and personal pronouns. Following this, we planned out our writing ensuring we had all the appropriate detail included to interest the reader. Then it was time to write! Due to our planning, we were then able to write using paragraphs to show a change of time or event. Next week we will finish off writing pur recounts and then we will be editing our writing.

Our Science lessons this week were very interesting, we started off by looking at what animals and humans need to live and grow. We discussed this and said that animal and humans need water and different types of food to survive. Focusing on what humans need we were introduced to 7 food groups: fruits, vegetables, grains, fats, sugars, meat and dairy. We then had to sort different types of food into these food groups, which made us think a lot about what the foods were made of; some of them could be put into more than one group. We then discussed that there are 7 food groups, and 7 different nutrients which our bodies need all of. We will be moving onto looking at our bodies and what they are made up of; focusing on our skeletons.

In PE we have been working really hard on developing our athletics skills and allowing those children entering the sportshall competition a chance to practise some fo the events. We have been doing relays with obstacles, learning how to pass the baton successfully to our team members, the javelin, the chest push and the long jump. A great improvement in the relays has been noticed by all of us in the class!

Next week is another busy week with the athletics competition, year 4 and 5 brass performance and the christmas fair (which Base 3 will be creating something to sell)!

Please ensure that spellings and times tables are practised every day – these are vital to move our learning forwards! Make sure you are reading too.

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