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Base 3 news

6th October 2019 – by Miss Phillips
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We have had another great week in Base 3, the children are working very hard and pushing themselves to learn more. It has been so lovely to have so many children asking questions to extend their learning and finding ways to improve their learning.

We have explored number and place value further this week with comparing numbers. We have created our own number lines and used this understanding to solve some tricky reasoning and problem solving questions.

We have got a whole class of super writers!! I was extremely impressed with how well the children approached rewriting the story of the Little Raindrop. They added in their own ideas, different and new vocabulary and some great sentence starters. The children even got to use blue pens to edit their writing independently this week! Well done to everyone in Base 3 for super writing.

Our Geography lessons this week have taken us inside volcanoes to discover the parts of a volcano and how they work. The children have produced a fantastic cross sectional diagram of a volcano and added the labels to show the parts. These all look fantastic.

Don't forget to practise spellings and times tables, read as often as you can and complete your homework for Friday.

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